RoboticsThe future of industry and growth is based on how we educate our students. HOI has worked closely with the CREATE Foundation in its mission of enhancing and advancing technology. HOI has developed various robotic control systems for teams to use as well as a tournament management system for providing support for an Open Source Robotics Division. For more information please see our Educational Robotics page.
Professional athletic training and assessment is something that most athletes only see at professional combine events. Dashr is an athletic assessment system of sensor modules and a mobile app that brings professional level accuracy to training programs at a price point that is acceptable to even the smallest programs.
Wireless Asset
Tracking System
On job sites large and small, the efficient usage and allotment of assets can drastically impact a company's bottom line. HOI created a turnkey system of Bluetooth asset tags combined with a mobile app that enables tracking of the assets as they move across and among jobsites. HOI developed all aspects of this project; mechanical, electrical, and software.
Grocery Store
Creating solutions for the brick-and-mortar shops, HOI has worked closely with an industry leader to create conceptual designs and product developments that enabled the company to continue to push the boundaries. HOI also provided engineering consultation to the patent attorneys for these new products, providing feedback that enabled better claims in a shorter amount of time.
Weather information is invaluable to the agricultural industry. Understanding weather patterns can provide better yields while decreasing the resources necessary for crop growth. HOI provided mechanical design support for the creation of a weather station enclosure. These enclosures were designed for all-year installation from full sun through freezing rain.
Design Patent
Large venues are constantly running electrical and network cables across the floor. Every time these cables pass across a walkway, the cables must be covered or otherwise protected to minimize the trip hazard to the attendees. HOI designed a novel new tape dispenser to help automate and ease this taping process. The mechanical design work led to a currently pending patent.
Industry Product
HOI worked closely with a local concrete company to customize an existing product to fit their needs. HOI designed a custom circuit board that seamlessly interfaced to the existing product without modification to the original product. This solution enabled the existing features and seals to remain fully functional.
Medical Devices Surgical robots are the future of minimally invasive procedures due to their great benefits in augmenting a surgeon’s abilities. Several years of experience were gained through research at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln while working under Department of Defense and NASA grants. This research involved the design and creation of entire integrated robotic platforms, including the mechanical, electrical, and software systems.